Effective Methods to Reduce Cholesterol

High level of cholesterol gives rise to cardiovascular disease or heart diseases. Therefore it becomes very important for any person to control the level of cholesterol. The level of cholesterol is totally dependent on the food habits of the people.

If the person maintains an unhealthy diet then there are great chances of high cholesterol in the body. Thus it is always advisable for people to maintain or work out on such food which can help the people to reduce cholesterol.

Butter, cheese, meat etc are the richest sources of saturated fats and helps in increasing the cholesterol. Therefore people should avoid consuming such food or opt for cholesterol free products which can be easily available in the market. Packaged food products like chips, cookies or any snacks contains high amount of trans fat which can give rise to cholesterol level.

Green tea is very effective in reducing the cholesterol level from the body. Food substances which have a high portion of omega-3 fatty acids can be very helpful in reducing the cholesterol level. Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are types of fish which are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Hence it is advisable to consume such fish at least two days in a week.

There are many herbal or natural medicines or pharmaceutical medicine available in the market which can help to lower the level of cholesterol. But medications are normally not advisable as natural methods are considered the best. Eating foods rich in fiber can also be very effective in terms of reducing the cholesterol.

George Christodoulou

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