Eating Foods to Avoid High Cholesterol is Easier Then You Think

Cholesterol over the years has gotten a bad name and most people view it as something that must be avoided and eliminated completely from their lives. What most people fail to realize because of the misinformation they've been fed is that cholesterol is a necessary nutrient that our bodies use to produce everything from cell walls to hormones. It is much like anything else, in moderation it is not a "bad" thing and if you know the foods to avoid high cholesterol it is easy to keep your levels under control.

Cholesterol itself is a waxy substance that circulates through the bloodstream and can be found in all your bodily cells. Most of it is actually made by the body in the liver while the rest we get from the foods you eat. It is when you overindulge in the wrong types of foods that high blood cholesterol levels can occur raising the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The other thing you need to know is that there are two types of cholesterol: HDL, or high density lipoprotein, cholesterol and LDL, or low density lipoprotein, cholesterol. LDL is considered bad and is the primary reason for the health risks associated with cholesterol. HDL on the other hand is considered good and is responsible for filtering LDL out of the blood stream back to the liver where it can be excreted from the body.

The problem most people have when it comes to maintaining the proper amounts of LDL and HDL cholesterol in their bloodstream is through diet. The so called "western diet and lifestyle" that predominates in our culture has lead to this growing problem. The growth of the "fast food lifestyle" both at home and eating out is a direct cause of rising cholesterol levels.

This is a problem that can be readily dealt with by eating a healthy diet of foods to avoid high cholesterol. Fruits, vegetables, whole grain high fiber foods, and certain seafood's are all good places to start in the fight against high cholesterol. These foods either contain no cholesterol, help remove it from you body (fiber), or they help raise the levels of good HDL cholesterol as is the case of omega-3 containing seafood's such as salmon.

Foods to avoid that are high in cholesterol include red meats and dairy products. This does not mean you cannot eat these foods but if you wish to lower cholesterol levels then these must be eaten in moderation and choose only lean cuts of meat and low fat dairy products. It is also important to avoid and eliminate sources of saturated fats and transfats from your diet. In studies these two fats have been shown to increase LDL cholesterol levels more then even cholesterol containing foods.

All it really takes when considering which foods to avoid high cholesterol is some up front research. There is a wealth of information available from your doctor, nutritionists, and on the internet that can help you make good choices going forward as you work to lower your cholesterol.

If high cholesterol is affecting your health and you want to do something about it but aren't sure where to start please visit the website Lowering Cholesterol by Clicking Here.

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Does High Cholesterol Cause High Blood Pressure?

For most of us, our first experience with chronic illness is high blood pressure. Hypertension does not respect healthy lifestyles. Even people who maintain normal weight, exercise regularly, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and eat a heart-healthy diet can be and frequently are diagnosed with the condition. In the United States, nine out of ten people will develop hypertension by the age of 60, and six out of ten eventually take high blood pressure medication.

If blood pressure readings are consistently higher than 160/110, doctors usually insist on prescription medication. But when blood pressure is between 120 and 160 systolic (the pressure generated when the heart beats) or between 80 and 94 diastolic (the pressure when the heart is at rest), the diagnosis is "borderline hypertension." This condition of slightly elevated blood pressure can be treated with medication just to lower the numbers, or it can be treated with nutrition to correct its underlying causes.

Borderline hypertension is usually "essential" or "primary," meaning it is not associated with an abnormality in a specific organ. Until a few years ago, the causes of essential hypertension eluded medical science, but recent research has revealed that this nearly universal health problem begins as with cholesterol-but not high cholesterol.

The human body produces two principal forms of cholesterol, bulky, low-density particles of cholesterol known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, and compact, high-density particles of cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. LDL cholesterol is typically termed "bad" and HDL cholesterol is typically termed "good," but actually both forms are necessary for the body. The larger LDL particles serve as a food for some of the body's largest cells, the immune system's macrophages, the cells that surround and engulf foreign and microorganisms (as well as LDL cholesterol itself).

The cholesterol particles are used by every cell in the body to make their protective linings, serving as "rain slicker" keeping their contents from dissolving in the watery bloodstream. Since they do not dissolve in water, they have to be attached to a transporter protein, apo-B. This protein has regions of positive and negative charge that allow it both to carry cholesterol and to be carried in the watery serum of the bloodstream.

For the bulky LDL cholesterol to be processed by cells, it has to be transported through the cell membrane. The cell membrane has to "unhook" LDL from apo-B and release the carrier protein back into the bloodstream. The detachment of LDL from its carrier molecule requires energy. If the cell is metabolically depleted by too much sodium, it cannot produce the energy it needs to bring LDL inside. On a tired cell, LDL parks on the outside of the cell.

The relatively bulky molecule of LDL in limbo on the surface of the cell is particularly vulnerable to attack by free radicals of oxygen. Without adequate levels of antioxidant free radical quenchers such as vitamin E, LDL cholesterol combines with oxygen to form lysophosphatidylcholine, better known by its acronym LPC. This chemical is the primary component of artery-hardening oxycholesterol, thickening artery walls and encouraging inflammation.

In people with normal blood pressure, oxycholesterol does not get a chance to damage arteries. A balanced immune system produces antibodies to LPC that keep it from accumulating in the linings of blood vessels. Antibodies to LPC perform the immune system's equivalent of a surgical strike, dissolving the oxidized cholesterol before it can form artery-clogging plaques. In people with borderline high blood pressure, however, the immune system fails to produce the antibodies that clean up LPC. Their immune systems are forced to use the immune system's equivalent of a battering ram, the macrophages.

These "cholesterol gobblers" surround and engulf LPC but become stuck in the intima, the inner lining of the artery wall. The intima slowly thickens and squeezes the artery so that blood pressure slowly increases. It is important to understand that the immune deficiencies that cause borderline high blood pressure do not affect the immune system as a whole. Only the antibodies to oxidized cholesterol are out of balance.

It's also important to understand that everyone does not react to either high cholesterol or high sodium by developing high blood pressure. Combinations of factors, of which cholesterol and sodium are only the major part, determine the condition.

Read Red Yeast Rice for High Cholesterol and Could Curcumin Lower Cholesterol? Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health including Healing without Medication.

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Effective Methods to Reduce Cholesterol

High level of cholesterol gives rise to cardiovascular disease or heart diseases. Therefore it becomes very important for any person to control the level of cholesterol. The level of cholesterol is totally dependent on the food habits of the people.

If the person maintains an unhealthy diet then there are great chances of high cholesterol in the body. Thus it is always advisable for people to maintain or work out on such food which can help the people to reduce cholesterol.

Butter, cheese, meat etc are the richest sources of saturated fats and helps in increasing the cholesterol. Therefore people should avoid consuming such food or opt for cholesterol free products which can be easily available in the market. Packaged food products like chips, cookies or any snacks contains high amount of trans fat which can give rise to cholesterol level.

Green tea is very effective in reducing the cholesterol level from the body. Food substances which have a high portion of omega-3 fatty acids can be very helpful in reducing the cholesterol level. Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are types of fish which are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Hence it is advisable to consume such fish at least two days in a week.

There are many herbal or natural medicines or pharmaceutical medicine available in the market which can help to lower the level of cholesterol. But medications are normally not advisable as natural methods are considered the best. Eating foods rich in fiber can also be very effective in terms of reducing the cholesterol.

George Christodoulou

For more information about Cholestatrim, please visit for one of the most comprehensive cholesterol lowering reviews on the internet today. You will also learn about lower cholesterol

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Understanding Cholesterol - What is Cholesterol and Why Do You Want Lower Cholesterol?

There is quite a bit of confusion about cholesterol. What is HDL? What is LDL? Which one is bad for you to have too much of?
In order to understand why it is essential to lower your cholesterol, it is required that you first have a handle on what cholesterol is.
Cholesterol is a fatlike waxy substance and is created by the liver. Even though cholesterol has a purpose and is actually vital to overall health and body function, having too much cholesterol in the body can have seriously destructive effects.
Cholesterol forms every cell within the body. When the cholesterol level is correct, cholesterol plays a positive life-giving part in many functions of the body. When cholesterol is at a healthy level it works to build and mend cells, creates hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, and produces bile acids which have demonstrated the ability to assist in the digestion of fat.
When you have too much cholesterol in the body, the levels build up and bring about damage by blocking your arteries. This can put you at serious risk for heart disease and stroke. In truth the key cause of heart attacks and strokes is clogged arteries due to overly high levels of cholesterol.
When you consume foods high in saturated fat such as dairy, meat and eggs your cholesterol levels rise. However, when you eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains you can sustain better health as they do not elevate unhealthy cholesterol.
High cholesterol is avoidable! With a nutritious diet, the adult American population with high cholesterol can get back their good health and lessen their risk of disease.
High cholesterol is a condition can be managed effectively! It is suggested that you see your doctor on a regular basis to keep an observant watch on your cholesterol levels. You truly can apply healthy ways to manage your cholesterol levels.
To get more information about lowering your cholesterol, go to
how can I lower my cholesterol
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6 Simple Steps to Reduce Cholesterol

High Blood Cholesterol is a high risk factor for coronary artery disease and the number one killer in the United States of America because it clogs the pipes.
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all animal tissue, including humans, and is found in all foods that come from animal sources.
Bad and good cholesterol
There are two primary forms of cholesterol; low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) and high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). LDL cholesterol is considered as bad cholesterol because it tends to drop off along the way, clogging arteries and blood vessels, and contributing to plaque formation. HDL cholesterol removes LDL cholesterol from the blood circulatory system and returns it to the liver that removes it from the body.
You have cholesterol problem, you need to avoid egg yolks and organ meats such as the liver or kidneys because these are sources of dietary cholesterol.
Here is a list of 6 Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol
1. You just need to do 30 minutes of exercise 3 or 4 times a week, which will significantly lower the risk for major life threatening disease like diabetes, heart disease. A brisk walk decreases the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body.
2. You can eat food high in cholesterol but avoid diet with high in saturated fat, from both animal and plant sources.
3. You should plenty of both types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Please remember that soluble fiber removes cholesterol from the body by binding to it
4. Red yeast rice is extremely helpful in lowering cholesterol levels by its ability to limit the production of cholesterol.
5. Take regular deep tissue massage to reduce stress as stress increases cholesterol level.
6. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
There is more than 60% possibility that an adult over 45 years, may suffer from diabetes, cholesterol or any other complicated disease. Today, all treatments are costly so you should buy proper health insurance at the very beginning of your career. If you are dog lover, you should take pet insurance for your dog because fees of veterinary doctors are also increasing. I am firm believer of alternative medicine because a regular massage therapy reduces stress, which helps you to control cholesterol and diabetes.
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The Importance of HDL Cholesterol in Body

Half of the people of America are facing problems of high cholesterol as per the survey made by American heart association. High cholesterol levels have a harmful effect on human body as it increases the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore it is very necessary to maintain the levels of cholesterol as it can prove to be fatal in some cases.
Body also needs some cholesterol for the proper functioning of the body. This cholesterol is good for health and is known as HDL. HDL is known as good cholesterol which plays a major in absorbing the bad cholesterol from the body. The full form of HDL cholesterol is high-density lipoprotein.
Bad cholesterol is known as LDL cholesterol which has a lot of harmful effects on the body. Hence certain level of HDL cholesterol should be maintained in the body to reduce the level of LDL cholesterol.
HDL cholesterol i.e. good cholesterol restricts the growth of LDL cholesterol i.e. bad cholesterol and moves the bad cholesterol from the arteries to the livers. This reduces the chances of blockage of arteries which causes strokes or heart diseases. 40mg/dl is the recommended level of HDL cholesterol which should be present in the body but is should not cross 60gm/dl as it would give boost to the chances of heart attacks.
People should maintain a healthy diet regime and should eat foods which are low on fats. Vegetables, fresh fruits, green tea, whole grains, fishes like tuna etc are some of the food stuff which should be consumed daily to reduce the cholesterol levels.
George Christodoulou,
For more information about Vasacor, please visit for one of the most comprehensive cholesterol
lowering reviews on the internet today. You will also learn about oatmeal lower cholesterol

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Need of Proper Diet to Reduce Cholesterol

Unhealthy eating habits lead to the increase of cholesterol in the body. High cholesterol is not at all suitable for human body as it can lead to cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol is a solid compound in blood which reduces the flow of blood to the heart, hence creating heart attacks. Therefore people should know about the problems attached with high cholesterol. Thus it is very necessary for the people to adopt food which helps you to reduce the cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol can removed with the help of medication but it is not generally preferred by people as cholesterol can be reduced by adopting natural methods. Healthy food habits and balanced diet can help people to reduce cholesterol levels. The healthiest way to reduce cholesterol is to avoid saturated foods and trans food. Red meat is the richest source of saturated fats and hence it should be avoided. Dairy products can also add to high cholesterol levels. Hence to avoid such products or use of cholesterol free dairy products should be made. People should avoid canned food and packed food substances like chips, cakes etc.

People should eat lots of soluble fiber as it possesses cholesterol lowering effect and is very much effective in reducing the levels of cholesterol. Some of the soluble fibers are Apples, strawberry, citrus fruits, beans; oaks etc should be consumed regularly to avoid growth of cholesterol. Garlic also acts as a very powerful food substance to reduce cholesterol. Hence the use of garlic should be made in your daily food.

George Christodoulou,

For more information about cholestatrim, please visit for one of the most comprehensive cholesterol lowering reviews on the internet today. You will also learn about herbs to lower cholesterol.

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